Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 3: Make Like Nike and Just Do It.

Holy poop am I tired.  be prepared for incoherent rambling.  So something that crossed my mind today was how I never regret talking to someone for the first time.  If I am interested in getting to know someone (male or female), i generally find a way to talk to them whether it be a random message on facebook or finding something to say to them in school.  When I talk to them, I can generally get an idea of whether or not they are worth my time.  I don't mean that in a cocky way, like I think I am better than them or anything, but if I say "hi" to a girl and she responds with some response that clearly makes it seem like she thinks she is better than me, im probably not going to continue to talk to her, because i dont want to associate with people who are just generally a bad person.  I truly believe that first impressions are huge.  Its all about your tone of voice.  This past week, i have talked to so many people for the first time and i have not been disappointed.  of the five people i didnt know a week ago, 4 of them have turned out to be completely different than i thought they would be.  We all know that one person of the opposite sex that we are afraid to talk to because we think they are a "bitch" or because they dont seem like they would have any interest in talking to you.  But what i'm saying is Just Do It.  You will not be disappointed.  It seems that the whole high school experience is almost all about who you are dating or who you want to date.  And as graduation approaches, I am realizing that most of the people I see on a daily basis will be completely erased out of my life the day after graduation.  So I have made it my goal to talk to/effect the lives of as many of my peers as i can.  I challenge you to do this as well.  It has worked well for me so far.  If there is a guy/girl that you are even remotely interested in; talk to him/her before its too late.  Just Do It.  Another thing that angers me that is kinda related to this is how everybody in high school has already formed their opinion of you before they even talk to you.  Example:  this year at homecoming I walked up to a girl and talked to her, hoping for a dance.  She laughed a little bit because how would someone as "low" as me expect to get a dance with someone as high up as her.  So, as I walked away from this denial, I got extremely angered and realized how stupid some people are.  Also, that very same girl has recently told me that she likes me.  See what happens when you get to know someone?  I hate to be this cliche in saying that you should never judge a book by its cover.  Just Do It.  Also, this experience angered me and made me write a couple lines of a song.  I have attempted, in the past, to write lyrics, but usually it ends in disaster.  The meter of the lines may not make sense, but with the music i have written along with it, it works.  haha.  It goes:

"Don't act like you fucking know me
Don't even pretend that we're friends
Don't make up stories about things
you've heard or places that I've been
Because if we've never met before
Then how do you know I'm not 
someone you'd adore
So why don't you take a chance
and come and dance with me."
its just a start.  hopefully someday that will be a whole song.  what do you think?  let me know in the comments!  But to conclude today's blog post, I just challenge you to talk to someone that you have never talked to before, but have always wanted to.  I'd love to know how it goes too.  Just Do It.

Song of The Day:  Liquor Store Blues by Bruno Mars.  (check it out)


  1. nice blog dan. and if it helps at all, i completely agree on basically everything you said. as dumb as it sounds, you just have to do it. well put.

    1. YES<3 SOMEONE READ MY BLOG. haha. but thank you! :)

    2. So I don't even know you but you're a really good blogger! Keep it up :). Very interesting perspectives and true!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I like it man. I've had a similar experience with simply talking to someone I'd never spoken two words to before and I loved the whole experience. Good blog man, keep it up.

  4. I find that you have realized what most figure out, outside of graduation. You grow up and you grow apart, most of these people you wont even see again. Never judge a book by it's cover. You never know if someone has something personal going on in their lives to why they act the way they do. Get to know them! Make an effort to reach out to them. Dont talk behind their back, if you have a problem with them approach them .... maybe they just need a good friend to help them thru a situation and maybe your that person!

  5. Thank you for saying this, cause I definitely needed to hear it. But I feel like I should say that this kind of answers your problem in your post yesterday... you're only a senior once and if you want to make it count, you should go with the girl you want, try out for the musical, etc. Isn't it just a big waste of your time if you don't try to gain something from it instead of being complacent?

  6. I love your lyrics and the whole message of this post. You are truly a great person Dan and I'm glad I have you in my life and that we are friends. You're a talented, sweet, and caring person. I hope you know that.
