Saturday, January 21, 2012

Every person is "unique" (and other ramblings)

So today something that was on my mind was how everyone is "created equally".   Personally, I think that thats a load of bull.  If everyone were created equal, then we would all be like twins.  Completetly Identical.  Although our country tries to go by this, in today's society that is anything but true.  Society's hierarchy is completetly based on how different people are from one another.  And it invigorates me.  If we believed that all men were created equal, than there would be no sporting leagues, no multi-million dollar contracts, no hate.  nothing.  everyone would be happy.  Ugh.  This doesnt make sense.  NEW SUBJECT  Is it wrong for me to want to break up to people?  Not in a mean way but just because i am jealous.  i am not going to do anything to try to break them up, but i really want to be with the girl so i always hope that something goes wrong.  idk.   also, i talked to an "old friend" today for the first time in a veryy long time.  it was weird.  all it ended up being was me professing my love and getting shut down :/  idk.  this whole blog thing isnt going as good as i thought it would.  i need ideas for posts.  hit mee upp.  i guess i just had one or two good ideas for posts and once i realised i was out of ideas, i regretted making this.  lol.

Song of the Day:    Jonah by Graham Stookey.   look it up on youtube.  best song you will hear this year

1 comment:

  1. Danny, i feel you on the everyone being created equally thing. our society has overemphasized that and it's gotten us nowhere. the drive for competition is all but gone in society. everyone accepts that there's going to be someone better than them and they never strive to do better themselves. also... on the whole breaking people up thing.... yeah... tried that, and the whole professions thing. just keep ending up feeling like a fucking loser huh? that's how it's worked out for me.....
    blog ideas: how people piss you off in a day, crazy shit that happened to you today, motivators and inspirations. love you man
